Monday, July 24, 2006

The Recording Process

alright, i remembered mentioning that i'll post up something about the band recording their last 2 songs, so here goes.

So this time we decided to choose JD of Pop Shuvit to produce our songs. It was a decision that clearly helped the band to further venture into our music, a different feel and a different approach to recording our songs this time. The last EP Album was produced fully by the band.

The recording process clearly divides itself to 3 different stages:

  1. Tracking
  2. Mixing
  3. Mastering

sounds simple doesn't it? Tracking is a process where each individual records their instrument/vocals backed up with a recording software such as Cubase or Pro Tools. For our case, we used Cubase. Each instrument can take up to 8 hours to record. I remember that ruben took almost 8 hours to record the guitars for Never There. Here's a picture on the left of Wei Li doing his violin trackings for the song Someday.

The picture on the right shows me doing my vocal trackings. The band decided to write two more songs, Never There and Someday. Never There is a song that depicts of a certain individual that has gone through tough times hoping to rely on people who were supposed to be there for them, but eventually that individual ends up facing his own dilemma. And Someday is a song that i decided to write before i left for Aus, i would not disclose the meaning behind the song, i hope you'll be able to listen to it and see if you can read my thoughts.

Here are more random pictures of the recording session:

the tracking device!

yeah phil was there too

not much pictures really, didn't really have the time to take that many pictures, but i did take a video of wei li doing his string arrangements for Someday:


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