Friday, June 30, 2006

Fuck The Cops

I fucking hate the cops here, fucking assholes looking for a quick buck and if they ain't gettin nothing they'll threaten to make your life a livin' hell.

And they threaten to arrest me the next day for DUI? Well FUCK YOU and your SIX TITTED MOTHER. The only reason you're a cop is cause you didn't quite cut it through in life. Beeeyaaatch!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Viva Italia!

You had to see it, to believe it. Who would had thought Italy would have been able to pull through with one man down against the Aussies. No matter how hard the pressure was on Italy, they managed to hold on for at least 30 minutes, and to claim their spot at the Quarter Finals.

The Aussies really played a good game today, the best out of all that I've seen. But heck I bet they have more to celebrate as they came this far.

And I'm finally back from Kuantan. Had to go back there to see my relatives before I leave and at the same time, *main reason*, collect some red packets, hehehehe.

Gonna be busy till I leave for Aus, hopefully I'd be able to post up more stuff soon enough, like my recording session later in the evening. We're doing our vocals today for our song entitled "Never There". Hope to get video footages and post them up to let you guys in on how we record our songs. Till then, pz.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

joke of the day


First opinion
In ancient England a person could not have sex unless you had consent of the King (unless you were in the Royal Family). When anyone wanted to have a baby, they got consent of the King, the King gave them a placard that they hung on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F.*.*.*. (Fornication Under Consent of the King) on it. Now you know where that came from.

Second Opinion
The word f*** comes from colonial times, when someone would be punished for 'prostitution' It was an acronym for the words
'For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge'
F.*.*.*. was written on the stocks that held these criminals because For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge was too long to go on the stocks.

Third Opinion
I always heard that "F***." originated in the 1800's in London, when they used to charge prostitutes "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge". So officer got sick and tired of writing those, um, lessee, 26 characters, not including spaces, so it got abbreviated F*** and stuck.

Fourth Opinion (Mine)
I think it came from a little kid who was trying to spell duck in a little English exercise writing book :)

Friday, June 23, 2006

"I will always be over-weight no matter what"

I was just about heading out to the airport when I stumbled accross an article

In a new interview with People magazine, the fifth season runner-up reveals that she struggled with severe bulimia for five years, bingeing, and purging in a destructive cycle that could have permanently ruined her singing voice and caused devastating consequences to her health.

At her worst, McPhee says she was making herself vomit up to seven times each day, which she equates to "putting a sledgehammer to your vocal cords."

But all that changed once the 22-year-old aspiring singer got the go-ahead from the Idol judges, and realized that in order to succeed on the talent search, she would need to rein in her eating disorder.

"When I made it onto American Idol, I knew that food--my eating disorder--was the one thing really holding me back," McPhee tells People. "I was bingeing my whole life away for days at a time...So when I got on the show, I said, 'You know what? I can do well in this competition. Let me give myself a chance and just get ahold of this thing.'"

Backed up by her parents, frequent Idol audience members Peisha and Daniel McPhee, the Idol hopeful enrolled in an intensive treatment program at Los Angeles's Eating Disorder Center Of California, where she underwent three months of group and individual therapy, spending 10 hours a day, six days a week at the center.

"I really had to surrender and give up having a free life to do the program, because I'd be there from 9 in the morning until 7 at night," McPhee says. But she knew the sacrifice was necessary if she wanted to get well.

"I knew I had put off going to a treatment center long enough--I'd been struggling with bulimia since I was 17," she says.

McPhee attributes some of her problems with food to growing up in a city where tremendous emphasis is placed on celebrity-slim bodies.

"Growing up in Los Angeles and spending all those years in dance class, I'd been conscious of body image at a young age, and I went through phases of exercising compulsively and starving myself," she says.

By using the intuitive eating approach she learned at the Eating Disorder Center, McPhee was eventually able to redefine her relationship to food.

"I learned that there's no such thing as a bad food," she says. "If you look at a doughnut, people think it's a fattening food--why? Because if you eat it you'll get fat? No, you'll get fat if you eat 10 doughnuts."

As a result, she dropped 30 pounds and broke her cycle of bingeing and purging.
"That's why I say American Idol saved my life, because if I hadn't auditioned I don't think I would have gotten a handle on food," she tells the magazine.

By openly talking about her eating disorder, McPhee stands to help fans who may be struggling with similar issues, according to Dr. Thomas Weigel, a psychiatrist at the Klarman Eating Disorders Center at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. - Taken from Yahoo! News

As stated in the article, it took American Idol to give a wake up call for Miss McPhee. What is it gonna take for others? Should you judge a girl's beauty through her weight?

I'm beginning to think that this might be a common life phase a female has to go through, no offence, I'm not trying to make any claims, that's just my opinion. I've had a couple of friends who've actually suffered from bulimia and the reason, they explained, was because they were not satisfied with their physical appearance. They claimed to be fat no matter how easily the wind disregarded to their claim. And it almost cost them their lives to just realize that there was nothing wrong with their physical appearance. There was nothing I could do or say to actually help.

In my opinion, it is always comparison that drives someone to do something that is out of the norm just to satisfy themself. I think that anyone for that matter should be confident over what they are capable of, not what they're capable of looking. What do you think? I thought that America chose to vote for Katherine due to the fact that she could sing very well, not that she was drop dead gorgeous. Look at Fantasia.

What would you do? Do you have any friends who have the same problem? Did you go through an experience like this?

what is your penis name?

Your Penis Name Is...

Thrill Drill
hahahahahahahahah!!! 'Thrill Drill', what is YOUR Penis name?
would like to know...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

thought of the day

which was named first? the fruit or the colour ?

you decide.

It is unusual.....

To find me awake at this hour of the day, usually I'd still be buried under the sheets of serenity till God knows when. The good news is, my biological clock is perfectly back to normal for the time being unless I decide to take a nap in the afternoon which is something I might do as the STUPID meeting with Celcom has been postponed for no apparent reason.

*P.S :It's unusual again for a person like me to get involve/participate in this blog*

Nvm, so I asked her to visit the site......

Cheh waaaaa, kembang-ness kau kau until......

=.=" but least I have an extra reader now.

But yeah I do agree that keeping a blog would be a great way to keep in touch with friends....

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

something about "singlish"

"Singlish" - the English of Singaporeans that incorporates Malay and the Hokkien dialect of Chinese as well as English words. Here are some examples of the usage of "Singlish"

  • Eh, this road so narrow, how you going to tombalik your big fat Mare-see-deese? You going to do 100-point turn or what? Sekali tombalik into the lang-kau your father will kill you then you know!
Explanation :
Oh, this road is so narrow, how are you going to turn your big fat Mercedes around?
Are you going to do a 100-point turn, or what? Wait until you turn it into the roadside
ditch. your father will be furious!

  • Eh, Katong sopping sehnta got the "Sah-Leh" you know. Some up to hap-pride ah!

Explanation :

Hey Katong Shopping Centre has a sale, some (items) are up to half price off!

  • Aiyah you want to chit in your exam tomolloh, har? You think you can lite the ansir on the table? Cher catch you, lppl (lam pa pak lan) man!

Explanation :

Oh, no you want to cheat on your exam tomorrow? You think you can write the answer on the desk? teacher will catch you and it (your plan) will backfire!


I can't believe that my exams are finally over! At least it gives me an opportunity to catch up on my sleep though. And at least that's one crossed out section on my worry list (yes I have more!)

Celcom meeting tomorrow to talk about the Underground band Project which has been pending since 1942, I hope this time round we'll be able to close the deal. We could really use the publicity. Any other bands out there interested to be involved? Mail me at and I'll hook you up

counting down the days

Greetings everyone, so it seems that this blog has had a good start. My name is Philip and im a naturally bred Kuala Lumpur boy currently studying in Canberra, Australia. I'm currently doing my degree in Advertising and Marketing at University of Canberra after doing a 2 and a half years diploma in advertising course in IACT which is based in Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya. Well for an introduction, i find Canberra peaceful but boring compared to the nightlives of my home country. Tomorrow i will be sitting for my last paper for my first semester. I will then be heading back to KL on the 26th of June for about 28 days or so to catch a couple of movies with my buddies, have A LOT OF TEA with them or basically just spend most of my time with them for they have missed my presence and my silly jokes.

Recently my male pet cat, Shirley (which i accidentally named it when it was younger due to the fact that i did not know whether it was a he or she) was suffering from hernia disease and had to undergo an operation. The operation was successful but he has a bald patch below his tummy and he looks kinda aweseome but weird. Let me tell you a little more about him. He goes out late at night just like the owner and comes back in the morning when he hears the sound of his owners car engine from a street away. Now how many stray cats do that and reacts/comes to you when you call them by their name? Here is a picture of my adorable cat for I've missed him so much. Long Live Shirley!

Fete De La Musique

There it was again, Fete De La Musique! The French Music Festival, the only show that I pretty much looked forward to this year having it be my last. The crowd that day was simply amazing and on behalf of Vespertine I would like to thank all of those who have supported the band and our music throughout the four years we've stuck together. And I would also like to thank those who were there when we were palying our last show, espeically my family and my close friends.

Thanks once again to the smashing crowd that night. To those who were not able to make it to the festival, I've actually edited a 20 second clip of our performance. Just bits and pieces here and there and the song you hear in the video clip is actually our latest composition entitled 'Never There'. So make sure you look out for that!

So it begins.....

Ahhhhhhhhhhh what d'ya know? My first blog entry, hmmmm, well there are three contributors in this blog entry, Joe, Phil and myself so I hope that this little page would enable us to share our daily lives and happenings with all you cool cats out there.

Ok F*CK that sounded so f*cking gay, but whatever, we all have to start somewhere I guess. My name's Jin, I'm a student pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, I'll be flying over to Perth next month for my final semester till I graduate.

I love music, I like performing and I do the vocals for a band called Vespertine. We're currently taking a break right now due to my departure to Perth but hopefully things will kick off once I get back. You can listen to Vespertine's Music at MYSPACE.COM.Yada yada bla bla I don't know what else to write but I guess this will do for now, pz.

*P.S: At least my first post is more interesting than Phil's*

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a new beginning

hello everyone, i do not wish to be considered as a norm by thanking everyone who comes across my blog with the quote "welcome to my blog and bla bla bla". for starters, i created this blog with the support of my friends. we hope our postings in here can interest you in one way or another as we try to tickle your funny bone with the events in our life and how we see things from a humourous perspective or at least try to do so.

*P.S : That's me, lying down on the streets of Canberra, Australia.

  • Vespertine's Official Site
  • Vespertine@MySpace
  • EmCeeDavid's Official Site
  • EmCee David@MySpace
  • Angels And Airwaves
  • Fort Minor
  • Jason Lo
  • Dragon Red
  • EmCeeDavid
  • Wei Li
  • Kenny Sia
  • Alynna
  • Kinkybluefairy
  • Nicholas Chin
  • Trinity